Wednesday, 20 May 2015

空姐面試前準備 - 面試技巧篇

面試之前一定要做好準備,即使你幾聰明,轉數有幾快都好,千奇唔好以為靠打天才波就可以過關!其他工種或者可以既,但係空姐呢行日日都幾百人去面試,interviewer 一日in 幾十個人,你既答案一聽就知真定假啦!
為左面試有好既表現,一定要做好準備,最好將下面既問題寫低,再寫埋屬於你自己既model answer ,當劇本咁背左去,面試當日就係你on show 既日子啦!

About yourself
1. Self-introduction
2. Duties of FA (hints: Safety, Emergency, Service)
3. Difficulty of FA (at least 3 points)
4. How to deal with the difficulty?
5. Reason to do FA (at least 2 points)
6. Why do you think you fit to the job? (at least 2 points)
7. Your Strength and weakness
8. What factors should a good FA have?
9. Why you quit you job?
10. How you related your job/study with FA?

About Customer service
1. What do you think about CS?
2. Why you like CS?
3. Share a case how you assist your customers
4. Share a case how you deal with demanding customers
5. What kind of customers is hard to handle
6. Why you don't tried other CS job exclude FA?
7. How do you manage a person when getting emotional?

About CX in the future
1. why you want to join CX?
2. How much do you know about CX?
3. Why we hire you?
4. Did you apply other airline?
5. If your application success this time, what is your career path in three year?
6, If your application failed this times, what is your plan?

若果勤力地準備晒咁多題,已經有80%可以PASS FINAL
再者,臨場表現都好緊要! 始終都需要少少運氣既....


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